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Vol. 49 No. 100 (2016)
Vol. 49 No. 100 (2016)
La République des incinérés : Histoire croisée des mouvements crématistes de Paris, du nord de l’Italie et de Montréal au XIXe siècle
Martin Robert
PDF (English)
“My own character is thank God above suspicion”: Soldier’s Wives with The Royal Canadian Rifle Regiment and Social Values in Mid-Nineteenth-Century British North America
Katherine M. J. McKenna
PDF (English)
Cholera, the “Sawdust Menace,” and the River Doctor: How Fear of an Epidemic Triggered Canada’s First “Pollution” Controversy
Randy Boswell
PDF (English)
“Most Anxious to Serve their King and Country”: Black Canadians Fight to Enlist in WWI and Emerging Race Consciousness in Ontario, 1914-1919
Melissa N. Shaw
PDF (English)
Liquor Laws, Legal Continuity, and Hotel Beer Parlours in Alberta, 1924 to c. 1939
Sarah E. Hamill
PDF (English)
On dads and damages: looking for the “priceless child” and the “manly modern” in quebec’s civil courts, 1921-1960
Peter Gossage
PDF (English)
Les « kings » de l’athlétisme handisport français : Eléments pour la prosopographie d’une élite paralympique (1964-2014)
Stanislas Frenkiel, Julie Cornaton, Nicolas Bancel
PDF (English)
Dossier thématique sur le génocide des Arméniens
Introduction : quelques publications récentes autour du centenaire du génocide des Arméniens / 653 Introduction: A Few Recent Publications Around the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide
Joceline Chabot
PDF (English)
Duclert, Vincent – La France face au génocide des Arméniens du milieu du XIXe siècle à nos jours. Une nation impériale et le devoir d’humanité
Geoffrey Grandjean
PDF (English)
Vicken Cheterian – Open Wounds: Armenians, Turks and a Century of Genocide
Tessa Hoffman
PDF (English)
Chabot, Joceline, Richard Godin, Stefanie Kappler, and Sylvia Kasparian, eds. – Mass Media and the Genocide of the Armenians: One Hundred Years of Uncertain Representation
Gerard J. Libaridian
PDF (English)
Akçam, Taner and Umit Kurt – The Spirit of the Laws: The Plunder of Wealth in the Armenian Genocide
Arpi Hamalian
PDF (English)
Marchand, Laure et Guillaume Perrier – La Turquie et le fantôme arménien
Sylvia Kasparian
PDF (English)
Bozarslan, Hamit, Vincent Duclert et Raymond H. Kévorkian – Comprendre le génocide des Arméniens. 1915 à nos jours
Aurélia Kalisky
PDF (English)
Nichanian, Mikaël – Détruire les Arméniens. Histoire d’un génocide
Joceline Chabot
PDF (English)
Étude critique
Centering Native Diasporas in North American History
Sami Lakomäki
PDF (English)
Le poids de la mémoire dans la francophonie canadienne : d’hier à aujourd’hui
Michael Poplyansky
PDF (English)
Comptes rendus
Brandli, Fabrice et Michel Porret – Les corps meurtris : Investigations judiciaires et expertises médico-légales au XVIIIe siècle.
Mathieu Laflamme
PDF (English)
Bryce, Benjamin and Alexander Freund, eds. – Entangling Migration History: Borderlands and Transnationalism in the United States and Canada.
Edward Dunsworth
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Fox, James – British Art and the First World War, 1914-1924.
Laura Brandon
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Jennings, John – The Cowboy Legend: Owen Wister’s Virginian and the Canadian-American Frontier.
Max Foran
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McCalla, Douglas – Consumers in the Bush: Shopping in Rural Upper Canada.
John Clarke
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Mills, Sean – A Place in the Sun: Haiti, Haitians, and the Remaking of Quebec.
Paul-Etienne Rainville
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Mullin, Janet E. – A Sixpence at Whist: Gaming and the English Middle Classes, 1680-1830.
Brian Cowan
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Nicholas, Jane – The Modern Girl : Feminine modernities, the Body and Commodities in the 1920s.
Denyse Baillargeon
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Poutanen, Mary Anne – Beyond Brutal Passions: Prostitution in Early Nineteeth-Century Montréal.
Louise Bienvenue
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Sawaya, Jean-Pierre – Des braves et des guerriers : Les Amérindiens du Québec et la guerre de 1812.
Maxime Gohier
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Somerset, A.J. – Arms: The Culture and Credo of the Gun.
Blake Brown
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Sweeny, Robert C.H. – Why Did We Choose to Industrialize? Montreal, 1819-1849.
Harold Bérubé
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Ternat, François – Partager le monde : Rivalités impériales franco-britanniques (1748-1756).
Alexandre Michaud
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Tomka, Béla – A Social History of Twentieth Century Europe.
Mark Gabbert
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Vaizey, Hester – Born in the GDR: Living in the Shadow of the Wall.
Karen Priestman
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Warren, Jean-Philippe and Andrée Fortin – Pratiques et Discours de la Contreculture au Québec.
Simon Vickers
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Warren, Jean-Philippe, ed. – Les soldats du Pape. Les zouaves canadiens entre l’Europe et l’Amérique.
Martin Simpson
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Weinstein, Barbara – The Color of Modernity. São Paulo and the Making of Race and Nation in Brazil.
Armelle Enders
PDF (English)
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