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Vol. 19 No. 38 (1986)
Vol. 19 No. 38 (1986)
Fond Fathers, Devoted Daughters? Family Sentiment in Seventeenth-Century France
Elizabeth Cohen
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La dynamique des rapports de sexes à l'université 1940-1980 : une étude de cas
Johanne Collin
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Immigrants in a Frontier Community: Madawaska 1785-1850
Béatrice Craig
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Parents in a Hurry: The Early Home and School Movement in Ontario
Terry Crowley
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The Great Canadian Peritonitis Debate 1844-47
Jacalyn Duffin
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Mechanics' Liens in the Mowat Era
Margaret McCallum
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La Société canadienne d'économie sociale de Montréal (1888-1911): ses membres, ses critiques et sa survie
Pierre Trépanier
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Étude critique
Considering government and business in the Canadian political economy
Foster Griezic
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Notes de recherche
Using the 1871 Census Manuscript Industrial Schedules: A Machine-Readable Source for Social Historians
Elizabeth Bloomfield
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La curatelle et l'histoire des maladies mentales au Québec
André Cellard
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Comptes rendus
Mary Jo Maynes — Schooling in Western Europe. A Social History.
Benoît Beaucage
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Bonnie G. Smith — Confessions of a Concierge: Madame Lucie's History of Twentieth-Century France.
Frederick de Luna
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Michelle Guitard — Histoire sociale des miliciens de la bataille de la Châteauguay.
Jean-Pierre Gagnon
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Allan M. Brandt — No Magic Bullet: A Social History of Venereal Disease in the United States Since 1880.
Toby Gelfand
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Joe William Trotter, Jr — Black Milwaukee: The Making of an Industrial Proletariat, 1915-1945.
David Gerber
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David Harvey — The Urbanization of Capital.
Peter Goheen
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Michael R. Marrus — The Unwanted. European Refugees in the Twentieth Century.
Michael Hughs
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Index, Vol. XIX (Nos 37-38) 1986
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Denys Delâge — Le Pays Renversé. Amérindiens et Européens en Amérique du nord-est, 1600-1664.
Cornelius Jaenen
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Richard Charles Murphy — Guestworkers in the German Reich: A Polish Community in Wilhelmian Germany.
Robert Keyserlingk
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Julius R. Ruff — Crime, Justice and Public Order in Old Regime France. The Sénéchaussées of Libourne and Bazas, 1696-1789
André Lachance
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Livres reçus — Books Received
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Clare Gittings — Death, Burial and the Individual in Early Modem England.
Stephen Macfarlane
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Norman P. Zacour and Harry W. Hazard, eds. — The Impact of the Crusades on the Near East. Volume Five of A History of the Crusades, ed. by Kenneth M. Setton.
Herbert Mason
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K.N. Chaudhuri — Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean: An Economic History from the Rise of Islam to 1750.
David McGinnis
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Geneviève Billeter — Le pouvoir patronal. Les patrons des grandes entreprises suisses des métaux et des machines (1919-1939)
François Moreau
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J.F.C. Harrison — The Common People of Great Britain: A History from the Norman Conquest to the Present.
David Mulder
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Lorna Jane Abray — The People's Reformation: Magistrates, Clergy, and Commons in Strasbourg, 1500-1598.
Charles Nauert Jr.
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Kenneth J. Rea — The Prosperous Years: The Economic History of Ontario, 1939-1975.
R. Neill
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Edward Berenson — Populist Religion and Left-Wing Politics in France 1830-1852.
Charles Rearick
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Geoffrey Crossick and Heinz-Gerhard Haupt, eds. — Shopkeepers and Master Artisans in Nineteenth Century Europe.
Williams Reddy
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Ian M.G. Quimby — Apprenticeship in Colonial Philadelphia.
Daniel Richter
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Steven Hahn and Jonathan Prude, eds. — The Countryside in the Age of Capitalist Transformation: Essays in the Social History of Rural America.
David Thelen
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A.L. Beier — Masterless Men, the Vagrancy Problem in England, 1560-1640.
Robert Tittler
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Charlotte Fuhrer — The Mysteries of Montreal: Memoirs of a Midwife.
Cheryl Krasnick Warsh
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David R. Colburn — Racial Change and Community Crisis: St. Augustine, Florida, 1877-1980.
Carolyn Wharton
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Bibliographie courante sur l'histoire de la population canadienne et la démographie historique au Canada, 1985 | A Current Bibliography on the History of Canadian Population and Historical Demography in Canada, 1985
André LaRose
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