Indigenous Ministry Training and Governance in the Anglican and United Churches of Canada, 1970s–1980s


  • Carling Beninger Douglas College



Throughout the 1960s, the Anglican and United Churches of Canada, influenced by global secularization, international theology trends, and their declining role in the Indian residential school system, sought to examine their Indigenous-church policies and shift away from assimilation and paternalism and toward supporting Indigenous leadership. This article explores two outcomes of their reforms: the creation of (1) specialized Indigenous ministry training and (2) Indigenous-driven church governance structures. Meaningful reforms that extended beyond performative measures, although slow, difficult, and resisted by some, were spearheaded by Indigenous church leaders who fought to have their voices heard and effect change. Their efforts laid the groundwork for future Anglican and United Church Indigenization and reconciliation processes.

Author Biography

Carling Beninger, Douglas College

Carling Beninger is history faculty at Douglas College.

